- Quality test of tempered insulated glass(dew point test)Release on2020-10-22
- When the outdoor temperature is minus 80 degrees, will there be condensation in the air layer of the insulating glass?
This experiment tests the quality of insulated glass windows/doors in extreme weather.Read More - KXG toughened glass testRelease on2020-05-07
- Recently, KXG conducted quality tests on toughened glass. We broke several pieces of toughened glass with different sizes and different thicknesses, and observed the broken state of toughened glass after breaking.Read More
- Quality inspection of 12mm tempered glass railingRelease on2019-10-30
- Customer need to inspect the 12mm tempered glass for glass railing today. The customer is very professional, carrying a ruler, flashlight, camera and other tools to carry out the quality inspection of the glass.Read More
- Brunei customers come to KXG to inspect the goods and visit the factoryRelease on2019-10-15
- Brunei customers came to our factory to inspect the glass and visit the factory.The customer inspected the quality of the first 15mm tempered glass accompanied by the factory staff, and then inspected the insulating glass of 6mm tempered glass + 12A + 6mm tempered glass.Read More
- Oman customers come to Kunxing Glass Factory to inspect the goodsRelease on2019-09-30
- On September 29, 2019, Sultanate of Oman customers came to our company's workshop to inspect the goods and understand the production process.Read More
- Australian customer ask third party inspection company coming to KXG factoryRelease on2019-04-19
- We can meet the strict quality requirement of customer. If you are looking for good quality glass, please come to KXG factory. We will provide you good quality, good price, fast delivery and warm and professional after service.Read More